Every year, December is a time for reflection and looking forward to what’s ahead. Today, I share 6 tips for being your most creative self in the new year.
As creative artists – whether we’re ‘active’ thread painting artists, or merely love to follow what other people are doing – we look for ways to be more creative.
Creativity is part of what we are, as intelligent, beautiful people.
At years’ end, we tend to review our triumphs and tribulations from the year just gone, and what we’ve learned from success and mistakes.
And we make plans for the coming year.
What will the new year bring for you and your creative pursuits?
Regardless of whether you make art for fun, relaxation, or income, creative people (like you) rarely need ideas!
As artists, most of us actually have too many ideas, and choosing which to do first is the biggest hurdle to overcome.
Nevertheless, there are times when the ideas simply aren’t there. Certainly, they are being furtive!
It’s sometimes said that ‘creative block’ – what writers call ‘writer’s block’ – is a real thing.
I don’t see it this way.
The times when I get super frustrated usually happen because I’m trying too hard.
Trying too hard to find a new way of doing something, an exciting way to teach a thread sketching technique, or a unique angle to take on thread painting.
When those times hit, I’ve (finally) learned strategies that work (for me):
#1 – Stop trying so hard.
Finding your innate, creative self sometimes requires you to take a break!
Step back for a while. Take a break – for an hour or a few days – from the constant mental wind-up of trying to develop an idea.
Do something different.
By doing something else, you are forced to focus in a completely different direction.
#2 – Get out a sketchbook and doodle.
Those who have known me for a while know that drawing is not my strength, nor my passion.
Have you ever wondered why I rarely share anything from my sketchbooks (hehe)? However, the simple act of doodling seems to trigger something in my brain that switches it back to ‘idea’ mode.
Even if the doodling bears no relation to my ‘new’ idea, my random scribbles often lead to that beautiful ah-ha! moment.
I’m not much of a TV or movie watcher (the ads drive me nuts). But often, watching something allows me to doodle and scratch away at my sketchbook without really thinking about what I’m doing.
This is when the ideas usually float back to the surface.
#3 – Make bread.
Now, I realise this one is a little out of left field … I make all my bread, and I do it the old-fashioned way – by hand.
I mix all the separate ingredients myself.
I don’t have a bread machine.
Heck, I don’t even have a mixer with a dough hook.
I actually love the process of kneading bread by hand.
I pound that dough, rolling and turning, and pounding again, working it until it’s silky smooth and I can almost hear the yeast yelling … Yeaaahhhhh! Thanks for getting me going!
Picture it … all those little yeast molecules having the party of their life making chemical reactions with the flour and water.
When I’m feeling anxious or stressed, or think I’m devoid of ideas, or unsure what to do next, making bread usually gets me out of my funk.
The physical act of making bread gets my body and my brain moving.
#4 – Set your ideas free.
You do have ideas!
But sometimes they like to play a little ‘Hide ‘n Seek’!
They’re inside your head and mine.
All you need to do is tap into them.
Set them free!
#5 – Find some ‘you’ time.
Are you a multi-tasker?
In my experience, most women (and a lot of men), are multi-taskers, even if we don’t consider ourselves so.
Multi-tasking is often not the best approach, but sometimes we have no choice, so it’s nice to know you’re not alone.
So often, emails arrive in my inbox telling me how people are trying to find time for some creative work.
Most of us lead hectic lives.
Some of you, like me, work in several different fields (for me, it’s textile art, music, and writing).
Many of you have full-time work commitments, or children, grand-children, or ageing parents to care for.
Perhaps you home-school your kids or engage in charity work.
Houses and gardens need maintaining; or perhaps health issues are affecting your life, preventing you from engaging in other tasks.
Do you ever feel like just throwing your hands up in the air in wonder at how you do it all?
Or how you can possibly find a way to do it all?
I’m not surprised you wonder why there’s little time left for you?
#6 – Listen to your dreams.
‘Be more loyal to your dreams than your fears.’
Tara Mohr.
Your dreams are important.
This year, I want you to find time for ‘you’, find time for your creative work, regardless of what it is.
I think you’ll start looking at everything in a new light.
Let go of any fears you may be harbouring about trying a new thread sketching technique or thinking you’re not good enough.
You are!
By allowing yourself a little ‘you’ time, new ways to slot an hour of sewing into your evening will emerge, allowing you to read a new book, or share what you’ve learned with family or friends.
Remember your dreams
Whatever is in store for you, whatever personal challenges you are facing, always remember your dreams.
Don’t leave your dreams as just dreams.
Make them real!
Be your most creative self!
I am looking forward to getting creative in the New Year ,I have always loved your thread sketching snd would love to become accomplished at it thank you for the little nudge , my New Year’s Resolution is to be more creative and get out of my comfort zone and try new techniques. Happy New Year ?
Marilyn – your goal to get out of your ‘comfort zone and try new techniques’ is music to my ears! That is what creativity is all about and the wonderful thing with thread sketching and thread painting is that is isn’t scary! I’ve taught a lot of people over the years who think their work is not worthy of being seen, when it’s actually absolutely stunning. We get so close to our own creations that it can be difficult to see beyond what we perceive to be our ‘faults’. We can be our own worst enemies, at times. Believe me, I know, because I do it to myself all the time. 🙂 Happy New Year!