Whenever we begin learning something new, it can be easy to get caught up in believing that we’re not good enough, don’t have the skills, won’t do a great job, will get frustrated, disappointed …
But think of this … you may just get a teensy bit excited!
I often hear stories from readers who are enduring all sorts of challenges in their lives – often related to health and well-being, family problems, and so on.
These challenges are very real, unavoidable, and can be very draining on our time and energy.
Sadly, many also tell me they would love to find more time for creative pursuits, to really have time to learn a new skill, be it thread sketching, thread painting, how to bake a soufflé that doesn’t collapse, master the Japanese or Italian language, learn how to play the piano … anything, really.
There is so much to learn. We never stop learning.
And yet we often don’t seem to be able to allow ourselves the mental space and the time to get started.
Or we start and then get distracted by something that [seems] more important.
Yes, there are times when other things must take priority. There’s no denying that!
But how often does that happen? Really?
Is there not a 15 or 30 minute block in your day to allocate to YOU?
YOU are special and deserve to give yourself time to do what you want.
Something that brings you pleasure, or the satisfaction of learning something new.
Or simply the satisfaction of being CREATIVE.
We think we don’t have time.
The truth is, we usually do.
You deserve it!
I have taken and enjoyed your classes. I learned a lot about sketching with thread. Looking forward to the email course!
thanks again!
Hi Shirley – I’m sure you’ll learn lots of new things in the email course, and it’s great that you enjoyed my classes! Thank you. 🙂
I just found you and am going to be taking an art quilting/sketching class this weekend. Never done this before, but make a lot of ‘traditional’ quilts. Excited to branch out! You are very inspiring and your information is top shelf! Thanks (from Canada) The learning curve just tilted upwards…
HI Myrna – I hope you enjoy your art class this weekend – sounds like fun! I hope you enjoy what I have to offer here, and thank you so much for your kind words! Enjoy your weekend! Deborah