During my development as a thread sketcher, I have learned ONE VITAL THING:
Creating successful thread sketches and thread paintings – projects you are truly proud of – goes beyond choosing fabric and thread, or knowing how to do free motion stitch.
Before you even begin to stitch, there are a number of decisions to be made, most importantly:
Choosing the best stabilizer for your project.
Understanding how to do this will save you hours of frustration and heartache.
This decision can be overwhelming, especially for anyone just starting out in thread sketching.
Puckering continues to be a challenging issue. It’s possible you’ve tried to solve the problem, but still have unsatisfactory results.
Many years ago, when I was a total novice (and I mean really clueless) thread sketcher, I knew nothing – zero, zippo, zilch – about stabilizing my work.
My background was in dressmaking, involving only the stabilization of collars and seams, plus some art quilting that didn’t involve much heavy embellishment with stitch.
My early thread paintings resulted in a LOT of disasters!
So how did I reach the stage where puckering and pull up is no longer a problem for me*? [*Most of the time]
You know what?
I just kept trying.

Yes, it took time – a lot of seemingly ‘wasted’ time.
But was it really wasted?
I think not, because by exploring and experimenting and practising for hours, I finally ‘got it’.
I don’t want you to have to go through the same thing, so what did I do?
…I wrote a book about it!
Complete Guide to Stabilizing: Your essential guide to stabilizing fabric for thread sketching, thread painting, and free machine embroidery.
This book will help newcomers to thread sketching and thread painting make the RIGHT CHOICES about stabilisers, from the start.
![Complete Guide to Stabilising - by Deborah Wirsu [2nd Ed] [ebook-paperback]](https://threadsketchinginaction.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/TSIA-2nd-ed-books-CGTS-1024x683.jpg)
You need to be prepared to explore new approaches, and perhaps change your ways.
I don’t want you to have to spend the same amount of time I did figuring it all out.
This book is the perfect introduction – clear and concise. It will help smooth your journey!
You don’t need to do this alone!