I'd like to finish off the year with a list of some of my most popular articles and books for you to enjoy during your holiday reading. Articles What kind of needle should you use for thread …
Stitching into the New Year – Why do we create?
Oh! Where did the year go? The next one is just around the corner! Time marches on, just as it always has, and I don’t want you to put off being creative for another minute. Why do we …
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Thread Sketching: What exactly is it?
I often get asked, What exactly is thread sketching? This article sets out to explain the difference between thread sketching, thread painting, and free machine embroidery. If you're confused …
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Rotary cutting skills for fabric collage and quilting
Understanding best practices in rotary cutting for fabric collage and quilting will not only help you make neater, cleaner fabric cuts, but safeguard your fingers, too! Yesterday, I spent a lot of …
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Artful Appliqué – Part 4
Finding Design Inspiration Now that you have a grasp of what appliqué actually is, how to do basic fused appliqué, and learned the simple stitches needed to secure your appliqué pieces in position, …
What kind of needle should you use for thread painting?
Ask 100 people for their response about what kind of needle you should use for thread painting, and you'll likely get 100 different answers. Well, perhaps I'm exaggerating – it may only be 90 …
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